Sunday, November 6, 2011

So right now Im on my mom laptop. I came on here cause I wanted to do a update so far everything is good I just now got done with training at my job and starts my new work schedule this monday. I also did a  install with a 14in of diamond hair which i actually like it however i have some kinky straight that will be here next week if i still have the laptop i will defiantly  update and what not .

i love extreme layers

So thats it for now next time i can update I will write more. :)


  1. Im in love with your hair it looks so good!!!
    where exactly can this be purchased


  2. I got it from a bss it was 14in 60 a pack it lasted for about a month could have been longer but I took it out and gave it to my friend who is still wearing it to this day so its good hair or I either got a good batch its been what three months since I bought it I think .
